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Naturopathic therapies

Classical homeopathy

The classical homeopathy is an alternative form of medicine which was discovered by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) and in which the principle of "like cures like" ("Similia similibus curentur") is being applied. This simile principle indicates that substances which elicit particular symptoms, do cure similar symptoms of sick individuals. However, homeopathy doesn't eliminate the symptoms of a disease but instead targets the source. This allows the body to stimulate its own healing sinews, which leads finally to self-healing. Homeopathic remedies are fabricated from herbal, animal, mineral and metallic substances. They are being used in case of acute or chronic diseases. 

Bach flowers

The English medical scientist Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) discovered the Bach flower essences and used them to cure negative emotional states such as depression, agression and fear. In his opinion, psychological imbalances weaken the immune system and lead to  the development of diseases. Bach flowers influence the behavior and temper and help over that way to build up again the balance of the psyche. Bach flowers can be given in the form of granules, solely or in combination.

Schüssler salts

The Schüssler salts have been developed by the homeopath Wilhelm Schüssler (1821-1898). This form of therapy applies biochemical laws and indicates that the limitation of the functional efficiency of cells could be traced back to the fact that there is an insufficiency of mineral salts, which again leads to illnesses. The more chronic the illness, the longer the patient should take the salts. There are 12 salts and 12 admixtures, which are generally administered separately

Behavioral therapies

In case of behavioral problems and for the further development of an animal it is very important to visit an animal therapist on a regular basis. The animal therapist establishes first a medical history and is able to recognize on the behavior of the animal which aspects need to be worked upon. To get rid of the problem, the owner must practice on a daily basis with the animal in the domestic environment. The animal therapist serves thereby as psychological support of the owner and the animal.


Behavioral therapies can be applied in case of the following problems:



Anxiety aggressiveness

Territorial aggressiveness

Defensive aggressiveness

Self-protection aggressiveness


Phobia and fears

Irrational fear of objects or situations

Fear of humans

Fear of separation





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