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General Terms & Conditions

1. Personal responsibility

When you give over your animal into my care, you are personally responsible for it. It is your choice as well if you follow the proposed therapeutical plans or not. I can't be hold responsible for any outcome.


2. Contract governing medical treatment

A legally binding contract governing medical treatment comes into existence through verbal agreement. I reserve the right to withdraw from the before-mentionned contract, should there be a lack of cooperation from your side.


3. Argreement of appointments

Appointments can either be arranged telephonically, per e-mail, or personally.


4. Cancellation of an appointment

An appointment can be cancelled without charges up to 24 hours before taking place. However, when the cancellation happens at a later stage or should you not observe the appointment, I reserve the right to bill charges due to the loss of time.


5. Invoicing

The bill has to be paid in cash subsequent to the treatment.


6. Not my line of action

I won't enter into any discussions or speculations regarding the possible outcome of diseases and/or treatments. It is not my task either to vaccinate animals or to perform surgical invasions. If you have questions related to vaccinations, surgeries, anesthesia, medical risks or pharmaceutical drugs, please contact your nearest veterinary.

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